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Montessori Philosophy

Montessori Philosophy is rooted in a deep respect for every child, their natural inner-drive to explore this world, and their ability to absorb their environment. We believe in the power of freedom within limits, following the child's interests, and guiding them towards independence as they choose their own work, practice social skills, and grow into good stewards of their environments (earth, home, and school).


Academic concepts are explored through beautiful hands on materials, and are designed to teach how kids learn!

By touching, exploring, and experimenting.


Daily lessons are given based on each individual child, and great care is taken to ensure we provide lessons that both appeal to their interests, and meet their developmental needs. Preparing children for real world experiences, as they think through problems, ask questions, and follow through on tasks. 


We concentrate on preparing our classroom to accommodate and stimulate these needs, and guide the children in our care with a holistic mindset, consciously aware of the whole child, mind, body, and spirit.


We aim to guide children towards being the creative, responsible, innovative, and independent beings they are made to be, starting first with the Montessori foundational concepts of OCCI, which is highlighted below.


Order - Dr. Maria Montessori identified specific sensitive periods within children. When these sensitive periods are recognized and nurtured, learning happens effortlessly and joyfully. We model order as we present lessons and go about our day in the classroom. Our curation of an orderly environment and routine also helps the children to internalize this order and apply it to their own work. 


Coordination - Movement is a crucial development in early learning, and we deeply value a child's freedom to move as they develop control and coordination of their bodies. We provide this by having a growing outdoor environment for gross motor (large muscle movements), and our indoor classroom environment with opportunities for fine motor (small muscle movements).  Developing their pincer grasp through varied activities like tweezers, transferring objects, and carrying delicate or small objects are just a few examples. Refinement of these smaller movements are all skills that prepare them more complicated academic tasks. 


Concentration - Deep concentration is a crucial skill to develop, especially in this instant gratification world we now live in. Providing an environment that allows children to slow down, and focus on their self chosen work without interruption is a large part our day. Attending to the small details in their work, being able to finish a task, and follow through with restoring it to its place, prepares them for a lifetime of success in all they do. 


Independence -  Something that is truly unique to the Montessori environment is independence. We provide children with the freedom to try, fail, try again, and succeed, yet are there to provide guidance when needed or asked. Our teachers are trained in identifying when a child needs help, and when they are developing perseverance that leads towards independence. Our carefully designed learning materials provide a unique opportunity for independent work. This opens the doors of self motivation as they realize they can choose their own work and complete it on their own. This in turn bring  joy, satisfaction, confidence, and ownership in their learning! 



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